Friday, March 26, 2010

Made it through!

Wow! It's already March 26 and I STILL haven't bought anything fashion-y for over a month. It feels great!

Watching The Story of Stuff really changed the way I think about things. I've been getting interested in making good with everything I do. I've started buying packaging free soap, and focusing on purchasing from the bulk bins at the local market (luckily, I have a family member with an extensive garden who provides me with tons of fresh, organic, heirloom produce at no charge!!).

While I won't say I was materialistic before I began the wardrobe diet, I never considered how my choices in expressing myself and having fun with what I wore affected the delicate system we have created . . . a system now in crisis! I have found ways of being creative and having fun without buying anything.

For example, I mix up what I do have in crazy, fun ways. My boyfriend really loves those fashion shows I put on for him (. . .) - rose printed tights with rose printed dress, crazy striped leggings with bright purple dress, piling every necklace I own around my neck.

Fashion isn't a prescribed way of dressing each season, with rules about what you can and can't wear. It's about having fun and being creative, and it's easy to do that without buying a thing or hurting people (or the planet they live on!).

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Story of MY Stuff

Wow. I just watched this amazing video that really solidifies my need for this wardrobe diet. It's amazing.
Here's a little clip of it, but you have to watch the whole video on their website. I'm sure lots of people have already seen it, but I never think about all of the people who absorb the cost of my cheap, toxic new clothes. NEVER AGAIN!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Must have bedazzled tights!

Argh. The wardrobe diet has been very easy thus far. Not too many cravings, I don't feel shaky.

But seeing this girl on has really made me want these bedazzled tights from F21.

And when I was looking for that picture (because you know I have their inventory memorized!), I found these beauties.

Argh! I want TIGHTS. I guess I'll have to make do with the 529 pairs I already have . . .

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

First Post!

Wow . . . my first post! Let me tell you a little about myself, and why I need to go on a wardrobe diet . . . .

I love fashion. I really do - I always have. I used to have these awesome heart-shaped sunglasses that I wore with pastel printed biker shorts and a matching T shirt. It was my favorite outfit.

Fast forward a few years. I'm working on getting a graduate degree (NOT in fashion!). I have no money. I quell my needs with fast fashion from stores like Forever 21. It works.

However, I still have no money! As it turns out, spending $100 at F21 is JUST like spending $100 at Barney's . . . except the quality of the item(no "s") I could buy at Barney's is way better than that of the handful of items I could buy at F21. Sux.

Here's where the diet comes in, and like all diets, it has rules! But I'm flexible (after all, too-strict diets don't work, right??).

1. No buying any fashion things until March 17, 2010. Gifts are OK, as are other things like food. A girl's gotta eat, and this girl loves to eat.

2. No new clothes until April 17, 2010. This seems so far away! Vintage/thrift things are OK. This costs less, for me and the environment.

After April . . . we'll have to see! Watch me as I try to learn a better way to love clothes!